May 9, 2006

We are taking baths in the garden hose now - hallelujah and move over Gabriel! We have running water!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never again take cool, clear, clean water for granted again. Nor will my children. It is wonderful. NOw, the "showers" are very cold, and we have no where to really hide to take said showers, so Shawn and I just sortof sit on the deck and hose down between gasps from the cold. The kdis on the other hand are in heaven. Abby was bragging to her violin teacher, the sweetest girl but one I"m sure that has never taken a garden hose shower, about how she takes a bath now.
With the biggest grin, she said, "First we get our shoes and socks off and put on swim clothes or something. Then we get the soap and Mom gets the shampoo and stuff and she turns the water on and sprays us down! It's so fun! I don't want to ever take a bathtub bath again!!!"
Umm... can't quite say that honey. It should be long now before we have the septic system in and on then we can have inside showers again. HOT ones.
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