HomeMakers Manual
I named it this because, well... I have to admit that I don't know exactly what I'm doing in the homemaking department. I need a manual!! With babies around I had that for an excuse (not!) but now well. I have to face the music. I'm a terrible housekeeper. Since we moved in here it just seems like the place is ALWAYS messy. I forgot how much dirtier it is to live in the country. UGH...
I did get the notebook put together though! It looks so pretty!
There are several verses on the front to remind me of what my goal is, what I'm shooting for. They include Proverbs 31:26-30, Proverbs 29:15, Hebrews 13:5, Proverbs 31:11, and on the spine is my LIFE verse: Isaiah 58:11,12.
In my "Good Wife" section I have printed this from Charity Gospel Ministry. This was the most concise, condensed, straight forward description of a godly wife that I have ever ran across. It doesn't take a whole book to get the idea. I love it! I've included it here in hopes of it ministering to another wife who struggles. If you DON'T struggle then please, EMAIL ME! lol
The Hidden Woman
by Bro.Denny Kenaston
A transcribed
Many times women write me letters. They hear the tapes and they say, "Oh Brother Denny, I want this. How can I help my husband? He´s not tuned into the responsibilities of all these things." I want to take some time and answer that question. If you want to change your husband, that is probably a selfish motive. Sometimes ladies do write me letters and I can sense it when I read between the lines. That´s really what they´re after. They are thinking, I´m sick
of this guy and please help me get him changed. No, I cannot tell you how you can get him changed. But if you want to know how you can be an encouragement to that man in the way that he needs to go - that I can tell you. God does not bless sanctified manipulation, sisters. Write that one down.
I want to show you how you can encourage your husband so that God will make
him a godly man. Let´s look at the power of reverence. Reverence is one of the
most powerful, most motivating, most effectual qualities in human relationships there are, when it flows from a woman to a man, or even when it flows from a man to a man. Let´s look at the word reverence. I´m going to give you the definition from Webster´s 1828 Dictionary which is a bit shocking. The first word, which is usually the most definitive, is the word fear. That causes the modern woman to cry out in opposition, "Fear? I´m not going to fear my husband!" Fear, mingled with respect and affection. I´m going to go down the list and look at all the definitions for the word reverence. What I have done is drawn out words out of the Amplified (paraphrased) Bible. Then I went to the Webster´s 1828 Dictionary, and looked up each one of those words. So, how can I reverence my husband? Ephesians 5:22 says, "See that the wife reverence her husband." Now, this is what reverence means. 1) To yield or surrender to the power, will, or authority of another. The word is deeper than the work "obey." The command to obey can be done as an outward thing. The word submit requires an inward attitude of surrender with obedience. And that´s what God is after. Submit to him.
Next, notice him. It means to observe with the eye, and consider with the mind. The act by which we gain knowledge of somebody - in other words, real interested focus. Dear sisters, turn your eyes upon your husband with attentive
interest in what he is doing. He should feel your interested eyes looking at him while he is around. Notice him, regard him - it means to give a focused attention to consider seriously. That view of mind that springs from high value.
In my "Good Wife" section I have printed this from Charity Gospel Ministry. This was the most concise, condensed, straight forward description of a godly wife that I have ever ran across. It doesn't take a whole book to get the idea. I love it! I've included it here in hopes of it ministering to another wife who struggles. If you DON'T struggle then please, EMAIL ME! lol
The Hidden Woman
by Bro.Denny Kenaston
A transcribed
Many times women write me letters. They hear the tapes and they say, "Oh Brother Denny, I want this. How can I help my husband? He´s not tuned into the responsibilities of all these things." I want to take some time and answer that question. If you want to change your husband, that is probably a selfish motive. Sometimes ladies do write me letters and I can sense it when I read between the lines. That´s really what they´re after. They are thinking, I´m sick
of this guy and please help me get him changed. No, I cannot tell you how you can get him changed. But if you want to know how you can be an encouragement to that man in the way that he needs to go - that I can tell you. God does not bless sanctified manipulation, sisters. Write that one down.
I want to show you how you can encourage your husband so that God will make
him a godly man. Let´s look at the power of reverence. Reverence is one of the
most powerful, most motivating, most effectual qualities in human relationships there are, when it flows from a woman to a man, or even when it flows from a man to a man. Let´s look at the word reverence. I´m going to give you the definition from Webster´s 1828 Dictionary which is a bit shocking. The first word, which is usually the most definitive, is the word fear. That causes the modern woman to cry out in opposition, "Fear? I´m not going to fear my husband!" Fear, mingled with respect and affection. I´m going to go down the list and look at all the definitions for the word reverence. What I have done is drawn out words out of the Amplified (paraphrased) Bible. Then I went to the Webster´s 1828 Dictionary, and looked up each one of those words. So, how can I reverence my husband? Ephesians 5:22 says, "See that the wife reverence her husband." Now, this is what reverence means. 1) To yield or surrender to the power, will, or authority of another. The word is deeper than the work "obey." The command to obey can be done as an outward thing. The word submit requires an inward attitude of surrender with obedience. And that´s what God is after. Submit to him.
Next, notice him. It means to observe with the eye, and consider with the mind. The act by which we gain knowledge of somebody - in other words, real interested focus. Dear sisters, turn your eyes upon your husband with attentive
interest in what he is doing. He should feel your interested eyes looking at him while he is around. Notice him, regard him - it means to give a focused attention to consider seriously. That view of mind that springs from high value.
Regard him. This is so important, sisters, in reference to when your husband speaks. Do you want him to be a leader? Quiet down, look attentively with a genuine value in what he says. He will talk more, he will lead more, he will rise up to his responsibilities and do.
The next one . . . honor him. To honor is, any expression of respect, or high estimation by words or actions; to adorn, ornament, or decorate. It is the same word used when referring to honoring the king. Dear sisters, adorn your husband with expressions of respect by word and action. You will never be sorry that you did.
Next, prefer him. The word prefer means to bear or carry in advance; to consider one to better than you are. In practical language it means to place his desires, his opinions, and his ideas ahead of yours. You can´t imagine the confidence that this builds in a man. When he senses from the depth of your heart that you are more interested in what he thinks than what you think. Man . . . let him go. He´ll be so fired up for what he´s suppose to do! If he senses that coming out of your heart . . . prefer him.
Venerate him - to give him much worth; to respect and to worship. I know you´re not suppose to worship your husbands (because only God deserves this). But when a man senses that his wife values him and what he does and what he says, this affects his leadership ability tremendously. Tremendously, you can´t imagine!
Esteem him - to prize, to set a high value on someone, to have a high opinion of someone, to give a high place of honor - that´s esteem.
Defer to him - it means to yield to another´s opinion or judgement because of respect and honor. This is the most beautiful quality of character for a wife to have. She can display this confidence builder often as there are lots of opinions in marriage, aren´t there.
The next one - praise him; to prize or value with words; to lift another with praise, and words of gratitude. This word is a good practical outward expression of many of the attitudes I´ve already listed here. Praise is fuel on the fire of your husband´s heart! Don´t doubt it, sisters! That guy will do things he never dreamed he would do.
Love him - it means to love him. This means a prompt, free, willing desire for somebody; to be pleased with and regard with strong affection; ardent fellowship springing from high esteem; and a word of endearment. The love of a woman, without question, is the strongest motivation in a man´s life. It can cause him to do and be way beyond whatever thought he would do or be. If you question that, you just look at the love of a man for a woman who he is seeking
her (and desiring to marry her), look at what that fellow will go through. He´ll go through anything! Don´t forget that, dear sister. He´ll go through anything for her.
And lastly, admire him exceedingly. Reverence means to admire him exceedingly; to hold up, to stop and behold with wonder; to regard with strong affection; a pleasant respect with wonder. That´s what that word means. Ephesians 5:33 say, "And see that the wife reverence her husband."
Beloved sisters in Jesus Christ, this is quite a list of words to consider. There are three ways you can respond to this list you have been given. Let me give them to you: Number one - you can be careless and indifferent and just pass it off with little interest. Number two - you can be overwhelmed by it a give up in discouragement. And number three - you can be stirred and motivated and convicted by it, and rise up in faith with a will to do what God has said. And I pray that you will do the latter, with vision and with purpose in your heart and in your life from this day forward.
(This message is not copyrighted. If you would like to hear the complete series on "The Godly Home" please go to their website at (http://www.charityministies.org./) If you would like a catalog of other tapes, please call 1-800-227-7902. Or write to Charity Gospel Tape Ministry, 400 W. Main Street Suite #1, Ephrata, PA 17522. These tapes are offered by freewill offering to all of God´s people.)
of course i know where you found this lol but isn't it wonderful? i'm trying to apply it to my life right now. i always have you in my mind brcuz we are so bad off and i know you've been there. i use you as my example.
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