June 29, 2006

Finally got some cabinets up - they don't look bad at all! I love them! I bought the fabric quite a while ago, had the lumber laying around, put a crackle finish on it, pale green underneath then white on top so thru the cracks you see the green barely. It is so pretty. A tiny kitchen but jsut right for me. Keeps me from having too much "JUNK" and "gadgets". I'm a gadget gal and I love to have allthese kitchen tools! I realized when we moved how very little of them I actually ever use. This is MUCH better. Sortof like gastric bypass for my kitchen! LOL

About a week ago, here I am taking a "bath" in the new tub. This time I was fully clothed because of the daylight (hehehehe). The truth is, Shawn pushed in in! Then, since I was there already, I called for the shampoo. I will never take water for granted again! It's a terrible picture of me due to the "floating nature" of some of my body parts PLUS the fact that the sun is in my face and I look like a very fat china-man! LOL Oh well... I am what I am...
Wow, I love your cabinets! They are so pretty. :) Great job!
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