My Country Quest

Follow along our journey back to the land. This is where we will record our thoughts, musings and dealings with terrible dragons right here for your viewing pleasure.

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Location: Missouri, United States

Monday, October 09, 2006

Bathroom Project & other Ramblings

We have the shower stall materials now... it is (did you guess?) a very unorthodox material but I saw it on HGTV - does that make it more acceptable? My Dad said it will be like on M*A*S*H* ... took me a minute to get that. hahahaha

We are going to go with a farm theme in the bathroom and chair-rail height down to the floor and inside the shoer stall will be galvanized metal! Barn tin! Oh it looked so cool and all I could think about when I saw it was how easy it will be to clean up "spills" behind the toilet vs. a painted wall! :-) We will trim it out with pine then the upper part of the walls will be... ummm... either lavender or a steely blue color. Don't know yet.

As of now we have plastic hanging from the ceiling in there to form a "shower stall. The only trouble with that (and I never thought I'd have ANY complaints about ANY kind of hot shower after 4 months of cold baths) is that the heat makes the plastic sortof suck in and stick to oneself while showering. Yuck. Then you have to kind of peel it off periodically... it's sortof like showering in a plastic bag. HA! HA! HA! Oh it's too funny.

Still no progres on our sewer system. We are watering our lawn with the shower water now though - no more buckets hallelujah. The last report we got was that the overflow pond woul dhave to be moved probably requiring a PUMP for the sewage then since our land is sloped and where they said it should be moved would mean a pump needing to be installed. Another $1500 or so. NO big deal right?

And our minivan broke down AGAIN Saturday while we were at the building center buying insulation for our VERY cold roof upstairs. The kids requested that I knit them new stocking hats. I commented that it's a bit warm for that isn't it?

"They're for sleeping in Mom!"



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