My Country Quest

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Location: Missouri, United States

Saturday, December 02, 2006

December Song

I sit here tonight with a spring in my step and a song in my heart. It would seem that God is still on the throne! Last Thursday 3 men from our new church (Hope Family Fellowship) came and brought with them everything we need for the upstairs insulation and wiring. They brought it, stayed a full 8 hours then some, and got it finished - ready for sheetrock. I do not have words to express my heart on this. To be in real physical need is in fact, one of the most humbling experiences I can think of. But to have those needs met by the body of Christ is even more so. To realize one’s total unworthiness on one’s own, then to have the God of the Universe - El Shaddai - come down to your rescue… well. Now that’s humbling. To be loved by the Loveliest. How could one have self-esteem issues when the Lover of your soul is God Almighty?

And it’s not the physical needs only that He has made Himself manifest in my life. The emotional wounds, the hurts, the aches… He is that Balm in Gilead and sends His emissaries to carry the potion to heal. When I have lost someone during this trial He has sent someone along to fill in the gap. When I thought I was totally alone, unloved and rejected, He called in the Cavalry to stand at my right side and my left. He has provided food, shelter, new friends… He is one Awesome God.
As it stands now, I am still in need of the funds for an attorney. But my monthly bills are paid in full and before they were due in most cases. We have a TON of food in the house. We are warm. We are loved. I have until December 15th to hire one and respond to his petition or he will be granted the things he put in his “Petition for Dissolution of Marriage”. There are some things in there that aren’t in the best interests of the children at all and I do not feel peace about letting those things go. But… if no funds show up for the attorney by that date then I will do what I have to do. Sign the papers as they are and get on with life.
We have the wood laminate for the downstairs floor - it is so pretty. Regency Oak… yummy. I can’t wait to get it down and mop, mop, mop! Call me crazy but it’s just the way I am. I haven’t been able to mop these floors since we moved in. They are bare wood and I’ve tried but it just doesn’t work. It will be so nice to have clean floors again. Don’t worry - I sweep, and spot clean, but it doesn’t compare to the gleam of a freshly waxed floor!
Our water situation is still in limbo. There has been progress though. We have the overflow pond dug and ready for inspection. We are then ready to drop the lateral lines and septic tank. Then FLUSH!!!! Our dear dear friends the Norris Clan came and have spent so much time here helping out. Cherie is so UP all the time she’s here. I wonder if she takes medication. I asked. She claims she doesn’t. Whew! I can’t barely keep up with her! And he really ought to have a counseling degree. She has been wonderful at being a shoulder to cry on and an encourager. And those boys. Matt - Gordon, Brian, John and Kevin. I love those boys! They WORK! And they are so competent. Bravo Clan Norris. You are heading down the right road. Your fruit is sweet. J And the Dodsons. What would I do without Don and Sherry? Nursing baby #11 and fighting cancer, she is still full of godly edification and encouragement for my mothering.
There have been so many other people that have called and encouraged, that I know are praying, that have dropped by, sent cards, money, notes… I am humbled daily by the outpouring of love towards us by the body of Christ. We love you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am praying for you! how exciting about the floors!
you are so blessed to have a titus 2 woman in your company. ~smile~

5:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

K, it sounds like you are in a most wonderful church. There are few of them these least not to the extent your church is. I commend them all in the name of the Lord.
God is meeting your needs in a way that others are blessed in the process. Remember the saying "it is more blessed to give than receive"? It is really true.

2:22 PM  

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