My Country Quest

Follow along our journey back to the land. This is where we will record our thoughts, musings and dealings with terrible dragons right here for your viewing pleasure.

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Location: Missouri, United States

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Eagles Wings

"Giving power to the faint, and to the incapable He giveth strength in abundance. And youths grow faint and weary, and young men suffer and fall. But they who wait for the Lord will gain new strength, they shall mount up on wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary;they shall walk and not faint." ~Isaiah 40:29-31

Not sure where this quote came from, but it was posted on the list I'm on and encourgaed me greatly:

"Eagles are unique in the kingdom of birds because they do not hide during storms... They fly toward the storms because the updrafts of the storm providethem with an opportunity to fly higher than usual. They fly toward thestorm, allowing the powerful updrafts to rocket them ABOVE the storm.Once the eagles top the storm, they soar above the clouds until thestorm is passed. Like those eagles, we should not let those fears paralize our spirits. We can soar above the storms and use their power to our advantage."

This is SO TRUE. There comes a point in every trial that one has to decide to turn upwind. To face it head on and fight... use it... redeem it... let the Lord raise you above it, or give up and give in and let it blow you up against a wall and smash you.

I will soar. The downdrafts might pull me low, the gusts might take me off balance, but I will soar.

I will soar.


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