My Country Quest

Follow along our journey back to the land. This is where we will record our thoughts, musings and dealings with terrible dragons right here for your viewing pleasure.

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Location: Missouri, United States

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Another Day, Another Blessing

I feel like a toddler just walking back into a room where he has thrown a huge fit... and I guess that is just what I did in my last entry. I do apologize. I would take it down but I won't because I don't want to give them impression to anyone that I'm above feeling "ignored" or "childish". Because boy-howdy, I'm NOT above any of those things and more!!! So I'll leave it... and offer my sincere apologies if it is offensive to anyone.

Now on to the blessings! The Lord has been doing SO much for us lately... we got to meet some wonderful "family" on Sunday afternoon. Our very first "internet meeting" of anyone! It was wo wonderful. Dawn and Chris were so hospitable, sweet, we played music and sang together... it was awesome. A breath of cool spring air for us. We left refreshed and encouraged and we needed both.

Tuesday morning the front tire broke off of our big van (the one I drive). Now that doesn't sound like much of a blessing you're thinking... and you're right. It wasn't. The last thing we needed was another mechanics bill! BUT! We called the man who fixed our min-van for 1/3 the price anyone else wanted to do it and in half the time to boot, and he came to the place it was broken and fixed it. For $30!!!!!

Now, the details are that this breakdown occurred just on the edge of the grocery store parking lot! I told the children to PRAY!!! so I could back it up somehow and get it out of the way and wouldn't you know it? I was able to move it just out of the way before the tire fell completely crooked and wouldn't move anymore! God is good! When the mechanic was finished he said it was a really good thing it didn't go out while I was going down the highway. It could have very well TURNED over the van at a high speed!!! And I laughed and said, "It's not a good thing, it's a GOD-THING!" So not only did He preserve us, He provided the money (and not much of it!) to fix the van with 24 hours of it being broken down, AND He provided an opportunity for us to witness to this man!



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