Need to kick it in gear...
I would attribute it to several things probably. 1) we still have no flooring down and boy am I getting tired of the dirt. No matter how much I sweep or mop the dirt is still here. 2) out sewer system is totally NOT moving and our installer hasn't called to update us on the plans in, oh - about 2 months. Neither will he return our calls. I'm sure he's jsut really busy but still? 3) I had a total sigar binge this weekend with pecan pie. Oh wow was it good. But I've felt like a slug all week. A high price to pay considering I felt the best I have felt in YEARS last week. 4) there are decision that need to be made about church and none are made yet. That is so hard. So we're out of a church right now. We found one that looks really good but it's over an hour away and Shawn says that's too far to drive. It is a long way. 5) Family sitations are no better than they were 6 months ago with no change in sight.
Ugh.... I just want to crawl in bed and stay there with the covers over my face for - oh, maybe a month?